Initial Role of Women's Magazines in India
For a long time, women of India had remained in the backgrounds. With time, they too realized their potential and took charge of their own lives. They started deciding about their likes and dislikes, important life decisions like marriage, work, children etc. Some of the credit for empowering women in India goes to the women's magazines too that incorporated topics on work and career along with the stereotypical subjects such as beauty, fashion, relationships, and entertainment. Most importantly, these magazines that gradually came to be known as lifestyle magazines started focusing on the issue of work life balance and the tough decisions regarding whether to quit working to raise a family?
How Fashion Magazines Influence Women's life?
Woman has always been associated with beauty. In spite of her physical disadvantage, she has shown her courage and strength at every front of her life- be it family, work, children, parents or society. However, in taking care of all the important aspects of her life, she sometimes forgets to take care of herself. Those who realize this and found themselves in a state where they can not identify their own self, seek to find the means to establish their own identity. They long for making their presence felt. In this process, they need to know what is gong on around them. They take help of magazines to know the present society- the trends of not only fashion, clothing and style but how women are making their own ways in the society.
Present Day Fashion Magazines
The fashion magazines, in their new avatar, not only contain beauty tips, fashion trends and glossy photographs of film actresses and models but they also tell how women can look and feel good in spite of being busy. Not only looks, they also tell how women can remain healthy as true beauty comes from within. These fashion magazines, particularly those published in India, focus on such natural ways as Yoga, Ayurvedic and Home Remedies for beauty treatments, health tips etc. to make Indian women truly fit and well. As far as fashion and style is concerned, they not only cover what's going on in society and what the fashion designers are doing but sometimes set the trends themselves.
How Far Should Women Let Magazines Influence Their Lives?
Getting ideas for an outfit or for decoration from a magazine is all right as is taking tips on hairstyle, fashion trends etc. but getting influenced by every word in the same way as is written might prove detrimental. Magazines are for taking ideas and not as a support for deciding almost every aspect of one's life. There is no harm in buying fashion magazines but don't let it be your guide to life. Read and understand articles. Follow what you think is right. There is no need to be its blind follower. See the photographs and cloth designs. If you want to get them made- get them but after adapting according to your body types and your personal needs. This way, magazine can be your friends. Use them judiciously!
Know about the Top Indian Fashion Magazines
I don't like indians and indian fashion also because it is too cheap and looks very shameful.
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